The Chocolate Rabbit, Walnut Squirrel, and Silk Cat families have come to stay at the Lakeside Lodge.
The children play all day in the lake and barbecue delicious food for dinner at night.
When they climb into their hammocks at night, they have so much fun that the last thing they want to do is sleep.
Late one night, Chocolate Rabbit Girl Freya, Walnut Squirrel Boy Ralph, and Silk Cat Girl Tiffany go out onto the balcony and look up at the sky. Stars are spread across the whole sky.
Just then they see a huge shooting star come falling toward the lake.
“I‘ve never seen a shooting star that big,” says Ralph. “Tomorrow let‘s go and try to find where it fell.”
The next morning the three walk to where they think the shooting star came down.
“It came down around here,” says Ralph.
Just for fun, they search around, and look behind a small rock. There they find a surprise.
Behind the rock is a pile of glittering seashells. “They‘re beautiful! Just like little pieces of a star” says Ralph.
“Look at all of them! It‘s amazing! Maybe the shooting star was showing us the way to this treasure” says Tiffany.
Freya is surprising very quiet. She knows that she picked up those seashells the day before. She was swimming and found them and put them behind that rock. But Ralph and Tiffany are so excited that she doesn‘t have the heart to tell them.
So she just watches as Ralph and Tiffany happily fill their pockets with the shells and wrap them up in their handkerchiefs.
When the three of them get back to the Lakeside Lodge they see Walnut baby Ambrose Squirrel, Chocolate baby Crème Rabbit, and Silk Cat baby Faith.
“We‘ve got something to show you,” Ralph and Tiffany tell the babies. They tell them all about how they found the seashells.
The babies get very excited. “Treasure! We want treasure!”
“Watch for a shooting star tonight,” Ralph and Tiffany tell them.
“Now what? There aren‘t any more shells there,” thinks Freya.
“The babies are going to be very disappointed.”
She sneaks out by the lake, finds more shells, and piles them behind the rock.
“You all go to sleep and I‘ll watch for shooting stars” Freya tells the babies that night.
The next morning when the babies wake up, Freya says, “A shooting star fell last night,” and takes them out by the lake.
“Was it around here? Or maybe over there?”
Freya begins searching among the rocks.
“We‘ll look, too!” say the babies happily.
Soon Walnut baby Ambrose Squirrel finds the shells behind the same rock.
“Look! Lots of treasure!” he says.
Chocolate baby Crème Rabbit and Silk Cat baby Faith gather round. They are all very happy.
Watching them, Freya smiles happily. “That shooting star really did bring so many gifts.”
The shells Freya spent so much time gathering becomes souvenirs of their vacation.
The story spreads around the town, and soon all the children say,
“When you see a shooting star by the Lakeside Lodge, follow the star to find a hidden treasure.”
Photographs are arranged specially to depict the characters in the stories.
Some accessories are props made specially for the photographs, and are not available for purchase.
Figures may not be able to hold the accessories as shown in the photographs.